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What are D Class Fire Extinguishers?

Although many residential and commercial establishments use Class ABC fire extinguishers, industrial facilities that handle volatile metals such as magnesium, titanium, or sodium require quick access to Type D fire extinguishers by field personnel. Class D extinguishers are specifically designed to extinguish metal fires, whereas Class ABC extinguishers are capable of increasing flames. Always have the right preventive tools on site for potential hazards.

Know your fire safety plan

If you have a Class D fire extinguisher on site, you will almost certainly need an ABC fire extinguisher as well. Choosing the wrong fire extinguisher in an emergency can be disastrous, so different types of fire suppression equipment should be clearly labeled to avoid confusion. It helps to have fire plan box It is located in an accessible location so that firefighters can easily see the layout of the building. A fire safety plan box lays out possible hazards and the location of suppression equipment. A fire safety plan box is commonly used by firefighters, but it can also help guide people trapped in a fire by showing what tools can help put out a fire, where there are potential hazards and where to find exits. Store at least one fire safety box on site and clearly mark it.

Why ABC Fire Extinguisher Doesn’t Work on Class D Fires

A Class D fire extinguisher is required to handle metal fires. Many materials used in industry and manufacturing are flammable despite being metals. These include aluminum, titanium, magnesium, lithium, zirconium, sodium and potassium. These metal shavings can ignite and produce fire fuel. These fires burn very hot and can quickly get out of hand if not handled properly. Using an ABC-rated extinguisher can actually make a fire worse because the chemicals that extinguish the most common home fires can interact with the components of a metal fire and act as additional fuel. That’s why it’s important to properly label your fire extinguishers if you have multiple types of fire extinguishers in an area.

How do Class D fire extinguishers work?

Class D extinguishers use dry powder to smother the flame. This replaces previous methods of handling metal fires that involve covering the flame with sand or other non-combustible dry material that can choke. In addition to putting out fires from an oxygen source, the powder emitted by these types of fire extinguishers can absorb the heat of the flame, reducing risk to people and property nearby. Extinguishing a fire with liquid can spread the flame and cause the fire to grow. Likewise, chemicals that don’t put out fires don’t work.

Using a Class D extinguisher can save lives in the right circumstances. Analyze your area, consider what kind of metal can catch fire, and keep this extinguisher nearby if there is a potential fire hazard. Doing so can save lives.



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